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USPREP rule question

Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2005 11:20 am
by sportclimber
I have a single address field that contains name (both people and institution) and address information. For instance "JERRIA SMITH 123 MAIN" and "JILLIES STATE CARE CENTER P O BOX 123".

I would like to pre-process this field (using USPREP?), but the delimiters aren't working very well. I've tried using ZQMIXAZQ and ZQMIXNZQ. Are there other options that might work better?

Using MIXA and MIXN for the above 2 examples causes "JERRIA SMITH..." to all stay in the ADDRESS domain and "JILLIES STATE" to go in the NAME domain and "CARE CENTER P O BOX 123" to go into the ADDRESS domain.

Any suggestions are appreciated.