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Adding new pattern-action statements to existing rule-set

Posted: Mon May 09, 2005 12:38 am
by nike_ravi
Hi QualityStage Experts ,

We are trying to add new patterns to existing rule sets. We made changes to ".PAT" file. when we ran the standardize job again with this rule set, we got the error saying

"D:/Projects/TEMP/Logs/JOBTEST.Step002.log:STN(2308):05/09/2005 12:05:27 PM (MSG_stan.c:7 ; stan.c:524) ERROR: pattern lines and actions sets out of synch (or command/pragma/postAction misspelled)
D:/Projects/TEMP/Logs/JOBTEST.Step002.log:STN(2308):05/09/2005 12:05:27 PM (MSG_vutils.c:13; vutils.c:1412) ERROR: vexit status=1

is there any other place where we have to declare our changes? is there any documentaion available for this purpose?

Appreciate your valuable help in this regard. :D

Ravi Nemalipuri

Posted: Mon May 09, 2005 1:30 am
by roy
if my memory serves me :roll: (no QS avail so relying on my memory alone)

My guess would be that you used an existing patern that has a standardization rule?.

(Time to go over my QS notes I guess)


Posted: Mon May 09, 2005 2:47 am
by nike_ravi
Thanks for prompt reply.

Yes, We copied the ruleset FRADDR as FRADDR1 and made changes to this new rule set.But it looks like we cant change .PAT file in any case? is it? We have to give standardization overrides.

Roy.. Have U integrated QS job with DS.We are facing some problems.Expecting ur suggations.

Ravi Nemalipuri

Posted: Mon May 09, 2005 12:06 pm
by PilotBaha
why not call Ascential support about QS / DS integration?