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URGENT - Trying to explain this to client..

Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2004 8:31 pm
by PilotBaha
I am trying to explain this to the client, and it ain't pretty. Here's the issue:
They are planning to send the data in the following format into the ETL process:
<name> John Smith</name>
<addr> 123 main St. <addr>
<addr> 328 Y ave.</addr>
<system> A</system>
so basically one customer having more than one address coming from the same system.

I told the client that in order to create the data in the perfect condition I will have to split the single cust. data into two as:
John Smith 123 Main St. A
John Smith 328 Y Ave. A
John Smith 340 K St. B
John Smith 450 Bore Dr.C


The client is concerned by the volume of the data that will be generated due to the multiple lines that are being generated. Quite frnakly I don't know what would be a way to avoid multiple lines and keep them happy. This is the only way I can think of as a solution ..

Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2004 8:53 pm
by ray.wurlod
These customer records (?) all look different to me.
The only way they can get fewer rows is to have fewer customers.
This is not a good way to do business! :lol:
And therein lies your explanation.

If you need a more technical explanation, volume is measured in bytes, not "lines" or "rows". Sure the tags increase volume, but reduce the likelihood of error.

Get them to look at the Ascential web site, to get a feel for the volumes of data that can be processed. It will blow their tiny minds!

What part of the world are you working in? Different cultures tend to have different ideas about what constitutes a "large volume". It's mainly a matter of managing their expectations - the DataStage tool is definitely up to it (given good design and all the other caveats).

Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2004 9:20 pm
by PilotBaha
it is N.America :) The things is I assumed that they knew about this. Since they are able to combine two different addresses for the same customer in one XML tag, they were thinking that will be the same for QS also.

I have worked with quite a large amount of data before, so I know QS/Integrity/Vality (whatever it is named this week) can handle it. I guess I should have prepared them better for this, and they should have asked me much earlier when they were planning volumetrics.

Thanks for the reply..