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"OVERRIDE token values not validated" error

Posted: Mon Nov 25, 2013 11:49 am
by pk7
Getting this warning which is ultimately causing an abort since our company policy only allows a max of 50 warnings before an abort is issued. Would like to eliminate the root cause of the problem and not just remove the limit of 50 warnings. Can't find any reference to a solution in the posts or on the internet. Help!

Posted: Mon Nov 25, 2013 11:54 am
by asorrell
You'll have a better chance of getting a reply if you post more details about what is generating the error. What stage? What settings? Does this occur on other jobs? More details the better.

Posted: Mon Nov 25, 2013 1:37 pm
by pk7
Yes, my apologies.

This error is occurring in a standardization stage that has USPREP as the Rule and "ZQMIXNZQ" ADDRESS as the Column . Examples of the input data producing the warnings are:

Nick Smith AEB 8900 Burnnet St Ste 33 Houston TX 78754
Acme Mfg Llc 100 Morry Mill Rd Floral VA 24409

The job runs to completion and even gives the correct results, however, it is the high Warning count that is giving us grief. How can we eliminate most or all of these warnings?

Posted: Mon Nov 25, 2013 5:38 pm
by asorrell
I'm not certain what is causing the warning - I defer to some of the QualityStage experts for that.

If you have no other alternative you can establish a message handler, for the job or for the project, and map the message level down from Warning to Informational. I do not suggest elimination of the messages unless their sheer number is overwhelming the logs.

Lots of posts here on the subject - search for message handler.

Posted: Tue Nov 26, 2013 3:36 am
by ray.wurlod
What overrides exist in your USPREP rule set?

Posted: Tue Nov 26, 2013 10:50 am
by pk7
Hi Ray. I have absolutely no overrides at all in the rule set. I even attempted to put in an override to see if that helped but to no avail so I removed that one.

Posted: Tue Nov 26, 2013 3:26 pm
by ray.wurlod
The literal for the PREP rule sets is supposed to encase a two-character ISO country code. This literal specifies the default country code to use if the logic of the rule set cannot determine one - in this case the flag is set to "N".

Do you still get the warnings if you use "ZQUSZQ"?

Posted: Mon Dec 02, 2013 6:04 am
by rjdickson
ZQMIXNZQ is a valid literal for USPREP.
Can you please provide exactly what (and the order) you are sending to the Standardization Stage?

Posted: Mon Dec 02, 2013 10:47 am
by pk7
The structure is:

Transformer----->USPREP Std stage------->Dataset file

Columns coming into the Standardization stage are:

CENSUS_GRP_ID:decimal[38,0] {delim=',', precision=38, scale=0};
SRC_TYP_CD:nullable string[max=5];
SRC_TYP_DESCR:nullable string[max=60];
CASE_ID:nullable decimal[38,0];
SHIPPING_ADDRESS:nullable string[max=100];
LAST_CHNGD_BY:nullable string[max=30];
LAST_CHNGD_DT:nullable timestamp {null_field=' '};

The Standardization stage conatins:



Sample input data in SHIPPING_ADDRESS is:

Nick Smith AEB 8900 Burnnet St Ste 33 Houston TX 78754
Acme Mfg Llc 100 Morry Mill Rd Floral VA 24409

Result: Stated in earlier posts.

Posted: Mon Dec 02, 2013 11:28 am
by rjdickson
Looks good to me. Another thought:

Please go to the server and then the Quality directory for your project. For example, if you are on a Linux box and using project 'dstage1', then go to /opt/IBM/InformationServer/Server/Projects/dstage1/Quality.

Then, please tell us the contents of the following files:

I know you said you already checked overrides, via the GUI. I am just asking you to check via the file system.

Posted: Mon Dec 02, 2013 11:37 am
by pk7
As mentioned in an earlier post there are currently no overrides. However, here are the contents:

.FPO file:
;;QualityStage v8.0

.FTO file:
;;QualityStage v8.0

.IPO file:
;;QualityStage v8.0

.ITO file:
;;QualityStage v8.0

Posted: Mon Dec 02, 2013 11:47 am
by rjdickson
Fascinating...Two things:
1) I just ran your 'Nick Smith' example and did not receive any error or warning messages.
2) The out-of-the-box rule sets (which are read-only) have USPREP... instead of ENPREP... There is no out-of-the-box ENPREP rule set.

Are you are using a modified PREP rule set? If so, what happens when you use the out-of-the-box PREP rule set? Or AUPREP (just to see if there is a warning).