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Data Rules Stage

Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2012 2:17 pm
by rodre
Hello Friends,

I recently started incorporating the QualityStage Data-Rules Stage within DataStage.

I was able to get one DataStage job to run successfully using the stage.

I then wanted to develope another job using a different table and datasets as outputs but can't seem to get the Data Rules stage to work correctly.

Here is the main issue:
The Output fields do not show up in the Data Rules Editor Output page. No matter what I try. I tried deleting the stage and dropping another one; recreating the job from scratch. It sem to store the previous fields used before somewhere since it would bring those back sometimes and not the link fields.

Has anyone have any experiece with the Data Rules Stage?

I appreciate your feedback! :)

Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2012 2:30 pm
by rodre
I am also getting this error message when trying to create a new job and adding a new Data Rules Stage. After the input and output links to the Data Rules have been established and click to open the Data Rules Editor I am getting this error:
'<', hexadecimal value 0x3C, is an invalid attribute character. Line 1 position 14477.

Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2012 4:24 pm
by stuartjvnorton
Does the rule run properly through IA directly?

Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2012 7:57 pm
by ray.wurlod
Note that the Data Rules stage is not for QualityStage rules. It is for data rules created in Information Analyzer (or within the Data Rules stage itself).

Posted: Tue Oct 23, 2012 8:00 am
by rodre
The Data Rules is to use within a DataStage job to validate the input data.

The rules are working in IA.

I have not applied any rules yet however, first all the columns need to show up in the Data Rules Editor and that is my issue...

I appreciate any advice. :)

Posted: Tue Oct 23, 2012 3:31 pm
by rodre
Got it resolved.

You have to pick at least one rule definition and bind the varialble.

Once this is done than the output page gets populated. :o

Posted: Tue Oct 23, 2012 3:42 pm
by ray.wurlod
Well done. That would have been the advice I'd have given had I logged in sooner.