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how to edit the pattern action file

Posted: Mon Sep 10, 2012 3:17 pm
by akonda
Hi Guys

Can somebody please share thoughts on how to edit the pattern action file to parse the address information thru MNS stage.

input : 1130 W WARNER RD, BLDG A

required o/p:
Address1 - 1130 W WARNER RD
Address2 - BLDG A

issue is "BLDG A" is going to unhandledText. please advice,

Posted: Mon Sep 10, 2012 5:28 pm
by stuartjvnorton
Without looking at it too closely, I'd suggest doing a search for

/SUB Buildings

in the PAT file and look to the last couple of patterns before the /END_SUB
They handle L (Building Type) plus another token at the end of the text. You want to do the same sort of thing.

Use the classification file to get an understanding of the types of other tokens you want this new behaviour to handle, and therefore how many specific pattern-action statements you might need to cover it.

Note: you will need to make a copy of the ruleset to edit any of the files.

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2012 9:23 am
by akonda
I see what you are saying. But, If I make a copy of the ruleset(USMNAD) to edit any of the files and "provision" it. Is that new copy can be accessble by MNS stage? or how would that changes of ruleset applied to the MNS stage. ?

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2012 8:31 pm
by stuartjvnorton
akonda wrote:I see what you are saying. But, If I make a copy of the ruleset(USMNAD) to edit any of the files and "provision" it. Is that new copy can be accessble by MNS stage? or how would that changes of ruleset applied to the MNS stage. ?
Ah, you got me there. The perils of not looking too closely... ;-)

The MNS stage doesn't look like it's extensible in that way. Making a copy under the MNS Rules folder didn't bring up any new options in the country list in the stage. Hooray for hard-coding.

It looks like the only kosher way (if it's possible) is using overrides.