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Error invoking WISD service

Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2012 9:05 am
by vputta
Hi -

We are using QS jobs as services in our project and the services are being called through MDM .

We are facing the below error when MDM is calling the services to standardize phone numbers

[Exception_IIS_InvokeService:] CDKTP2020E: Error occurred when invoking WISD service. operation name = standardizePhoneNumber

We haven't encountered any error in DS director , so we believe the request never reached the DS service .

So is the error due to any configuration issues with in Information Server console . Can we solve this error by changing any properties in Information console ? like Active Job instances or Activation Threshold or Idle time .


Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2012 11:32 am
by rjdickson
Can you call that service using some other (non MDM) method?

Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2012 1:36 pm
by vputta
No , we don't have any other method to call these services .

Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2012 2:55 pm
by eostic
That is not an ISD error directly....the MDM application must have issued it.....You may need to call your support provider, but before you do, here are some key things to check:

a) does it happen with every single call that is ever made from MDM? ...or randomly?

b) are other service operations at the same ISD (and QS) Server working successfully?

As Robert notes, you really need to have a tool like SOAPui or Actional's SOAP tester (there are many free ones on the web) so that you can also test and verify your service or other services if/when there is a problem. MDM generally uses the EJB binding, which is difficult to implement without knowing java, but the delivered MDM services "also" have an application that can be deployed with SOAP bindings expressly for this purpose. It also helps to have your own very primitive web service out there for simple testing and environment validation purposes (such as a service that just has ISDinput, a Transformer, and ISDoutput and does a simple function like "upCase")....that way you can validate that the server is working even if a particular Operation might not be.


Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2012 7:28 am
by vputta
Thanks Ernie for the detailed explanation .

Yes, MDM application have issued this error .

a) This is an random error which happens with only few calls . It doesn't happen with every call .
b) Other service operations are working successful .

We will try installing SOAP tools and test the services .Can you plz provide any link with complete details of this testing process ?

so letz say ,after the testing we find out that the IIS server is working fine ,then what will be our conclusion from this ?
Can we say that the binding between MDM and IIS is not good ?

Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2012 7:44 am
by eostic
If it only happens with random calls, then you have to look elsewhere...that means that the configuration is correct...

Someone on the MDM side will need to understand what causes that will need to work with your support provider.... if it is random, it could be many things:

a particular data value
a problem in MDM that it can't communicate externally
a problem in your network
a problem because of increased traffic (only happening at high load times)?
...many others.

I'm not sure I would spend too much time on a testing tool at this point until you know what is causing the problem. If it is performance related, the testing tool won't help you on a unit basis....but if it is a data value issue, the testing tool might help you validate that once you have a suspect data value that might be the issue... I would focus right now on getting further details on the MDM side...
