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QSM_MatJoinOp error

Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2011 7:20 pm
by asyafrudin

I was running a job doing Reference Match and got an error stating something "Fatal error ... QSM_MatJoinOp, code 4". The job was aborted and no result was produced. I've been doing a Reference Match job for so long and never encountered this error before.

I tried googling about the error and found only one search result linking to a thread in this forum. Unfortunately, no solution was found because the conversation in the thread stated that the above error message was too common. :(

So here I am asking the same question on how to solve the error. I'm not expecting a direct answer here. At the very least I'd expect pointers to start tracing this error. It's hard to solve a problem when you can't understand the source of the problem.

Any help would be appreciated. TIA.