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Quality Stage Cleansing!!

Posted: Fri Jun 19, 2009 9:24 am
by divstands
This is a doubt regarding OFFICIAL activities of cleansing.

I have few data fields like :

Place of Birth
RFC ( a kind of identification but not a very important one)
CURP ( a kind of identification but not a very important one)


The client requirement is to remove the special characters from the above fields in general. No other requirement mentioned.

Is the cleansing of the above fields possible by using some Quality Stage funcationality? Or it shuld be done by Data Stage only?

Posted: Fri Jun 19, 2009 10:05 am
by JRodriguez
DivStand ..

This can be done in both tools .. but if you suspect that new terms will be coming in the future or the list of terms is long then I would used Classification Overrides ...just assign them the nulls class.

If just a couple of them using a transformer before the standarization stage and replace function will do the trick for you