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Appending entries in the reference table in QS rulesets

Posted: Thu Jun 18, 2009 11:26 am
by divstands
I identified a big list( some 50) of colony names which are not present in the reference table for same in the the rulesets.

I tried adding the new list to that table, saved, provisioned the rule set. But the job is not running because of this. Is there a workaround for appending the colony names list?

Note: The rule-set is of version 7.5 which i imported in IIS V 8.x

Re: Appending entries in the reference table in QS rulesets

Posted: Thu Jun 18, 2009 12:28 pm
by JRodriguez
There are work around, but I would suggest to add the new entries using the Rule Management GUI in the classification page.... iIf you add the new entries this way, when a new version of QS came out you won't be hit ....

Doble click on the Standardization Rule in the designer, when the Rules management windows pops up, double click on Overrides

Re: Appending entries in the reference table in QS rulesets

Posted: Thu Jun 18, 2009 12:58 pm
by divstands
JRodriguez wrote:There are work around, but I would suggest to add the new entries using the Rule Management GUI in the classification page.... iIf you add the new entries this way, when a new version of QS came out you won't be hit ....

Doble click on the Standardization Rule in the designer, when the Rules management windows pops up, double click on Overrides
Hi Julio

I tried first by using Overrides window only. But i am not able to locate any tab from where new Colony names can be added to the Reference table MXADDRAS.TBL ( For Mexican Ruleset). Hence i tried opeing the table file itself and making the changes.

Posted: Thu Jun 18, 2009 1:31 pm
by JRodriguez
I don't have the Mexican Rule Set ... but below should be an standard procedure:

Doble click on the Mexican Standardization Rule in the designer, when the Rules management windows pops up, double click on Overrides then the Overrides windows will show up with five pages, the first one should Classification where you will fill up the Input Token, Standard form and the classification for your new entries

Posted: Thu Jun 18, 2009 3:48 pm
by divstands
JRodriguez wrote:I don't have the Mexican Rule Set ... but below should be an standard procedure:

Doble click on the Mexican Standardization Rule in the designer, when the Rules management windows pops up, double click on Overrides then the Overrides windows will show up with five pages, the first one should Classification where you will fill up the Input Token, Standard form and the classification for your new entries
What i am trying to say is, that in V8.0, when we come to the overrides section, we have only these tabs:
IP text
IP Pattern
Unhandled Text
Unhandled Pattern Override

but none of these is giving the option to append the table MXADDRAS.TBL

Please correct me if i am wrong.

Posted: Fri Jun 19, 2009 9:46 am
by divstands
Also, along with the above i tried appending the colony names ( just a trail) with Input Text Override, assigning the values to the dictionary columns. But it is not working!!

Posted: Fri Jun 19, 2009 10:27 am
by JRodriguez
You are right. From the GUI you can not add entries in a lookup table, but you can used a work around for that. Search for Stuartjvnorton's post he posted a work around some time ago .... remenber to provision the rule set after bring back the file ...

If you have a lot of modifications and add-on for this rule set ... then probably is a good idea to make a copy of it and make your own version ... if in the future IBM release a new or improve version you won't be hit