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Explanation about these match output fields?

Posted: Tue May 12, 2009 10:35 pm
by dqm
Hi all,

I'm looking for an in-depth explanation about these fields.


I've read the help and apart from saying qsMatchLRFlag can be 'L' or 'R' and qsMatchExactFlag can be 'X' it really isn't any help at all.

Google and the QS Redbook are no help either (you have to admire IBM for being able to keep this as black an art as they do in this day and age...), so here are some specific questions I have:
- What makes qsMatchLRFlag an 'L' versus an 'R'
- I'm assuming qsMatchExactFlag is only for exact matches where qsMatchDataID != qsMatchSetId
- How to read qsMatchPattern. Any info around what makes each digit a 3, 2, 1 or 0?


Re: Explanation about these match output fields?

Posted: Wed May 13, 2009 1:06 pm
by JRodriguez
My two cents:

qsMatchLRFlag flag is set by cetain match types that allows you to perform left/right comparisons like D_INT. Let's say that a single house number is compared to two intervals. One interval represents the left side of the street and the other represents the right side of the street. If the number is found in the left then the flag will be populated with an "L"

Similar qsMatchExactFlag is set by match types where if a condition is not met then the full agreement weight is always assigned and the comparison is considered exact. i.e CNT_DIFF

Regarding your query about qsMatchPattern, I asked same question in IOD 2008 and I got following answer:

"Frequency and pattern data in match results are just for the consume of match stages, they have not used in any other place so think of this like a black box "

dqm wrote:Hi all,

I'm looking for an in-depth explanation about these fields.


I've read the help and apart from saying qsMatchLRFlag can be 'L' or 'R' and qsMatchExactFlag can be 'X' it really isn't any help at all.

Google and the QS Redbook are no help either (you have to admire IBM for being able to keep this as black an art as they do in this day and age...), so here are some specific questions I have:
- What makes qsMatchLRFlag an 'L' versus an 'R'
- I'm assuming qsMatchExactFlag is only for exact matches where qsMatchDataID != qsMatchSetId
- How to read qsMatchPattern. Any info around what makes each digit a 3, 2, 1 or 0?


Posted: Wed May 13, 2009 6:22 pm
by dqm
Thanks for that info Julio.
Much appreciated.