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Latitude and Longitude from address

Posted: Thu May 31, 2007 8:54 am
by RajVenugopalan
I am new to QualityStage and Geolocator. Our requirement is to get latitude and longitude from a given address. I would like to know how this can be acheived.

As far as I went through the documentation, I figured that the address need to be standardized first and then using the match stage get the latitude and longitude. Let me know if I am on the right track.

Any help would be appreciated.


Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2007 4:36 pm
by PilotBaha
Geolocator, which I haven't worked with for about 2 years, had a very primitive documentation. If this is the same case, then you'd get an output file in txt format which you have to later capture the Lat/Long.