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How to Call RESTful service (via ISD) ?

Posted: Wed Nov 27, 2013 11:12 am
by bond88
I am trying to create a job which extracts data from oracle table and need to pass it to a URL (RESTful service) as XML data. I designed job using XML output stage to create XML format and then I logged in Information services director and created Project, Application, Service and after that I got stuck. Could anyone please advise me on this how to proceed further? I need to pass authentication credentials via URL. Where I have to give URL and authentication parameters (username and password)?

Thank you,

Posted: Wed Nov 27, 2013 3:55 pm
by eostic
You don't need ISD for this. ISD is for using DataStage to build your own REST based web service.

If you are trying to just "call" a REST based service you will need to use the Java Pack or Java Integration Stage, depending on the release that you are on, and pass your data to that Stage and then invoke the remote service as appropriate from your java client.


Posted: Wed Nov 27, 2013 4:02 pm
by bond88
Hi Ernie,
Sorry I think I didn't explain my issue clearly. We have an third party application fand for that we don't have direct control over the tables they gave RESTful URL's to delete and load the data and we need to pass XML data. Our java guys are doing that truncate and refresh using java but now we want that truncate and refresh by datastage and seems like we need to pass credentials (username and password) along with URL. Please advise me and I have java integration stage since we are using v9.1. Please correct me if I am wrong.

Thank you,

Posted: Wed Nov 27, 2013 4:45 pm
by eostic
You are correct. There is no Stage today that is able to issue http, or "send things" to a URL. That will require a simple java class invoked via the Java Integration Stage. You can pass rows of data and columns into this sounds as though you might want to pass the URL and the details and then make one REST invocation in your class?
