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what is the maximum allowed payload while using web services

Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2011 6:16 am
by raghavrhyd
Hi,would like to know what is the maximum allowed payload for data transfer from source to receiving system while using WSDL files to receive using web services client stage or web services transformer stage..can the same(i.e payload) be configured for increasing or decrease..would like to know the path and file where it can be configured.

Many Thanks

Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2011 8:31 am
by eostic
There is no real formal "max"..... "till it blows up" is probably the only true statement you can make. There are too many factors that it is dependent upon, from the size of the payload, it's data, element tags, attributes, etc. to the amount of heap available for the WS Transformer.

I've successfully done up to about 60meg received SOAP response in a Server Job using took a long time, but it worked, provided I used the "grid" option (right mouse on the WSTransformer and open in grid mode if it is still available) and increases my JVM Heap size (look up the -Xmx settings for java jvms).

The bigger question is "what are you sending/receiving"? SOAP isn't good for huge quantities of data....better that you use the WS to kick off an extraction or something and then trigger a secure FTP or other mechanism for truly huge amounts of data.
