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WSDL importer throwing error!!

Posted: Sun Nov 07, 2010 10:55 am
by allavivek
Hi All,

In my machine i have both client and server installed.. i created a web service job and deployed in server through server console...From the wsdl i was trying to import the metadata , but its throwing an error for wsdl output operation...For wsdl input metadata imported fine....

Error: Cannot complete the mapping automatically . The message may define some recursive constructs. You need to proceed to a manually using the XML Meta Data Importer..

Can any one throw some light why this error occuring...Is there any thing i can get rid of this or should i must continue with xml metadata importer?

Thank you...

Posted: Mon Nov 08, 2010 1:02 pm
by eostic
It's likely that your service operation, on the output, is supporting the "Generate Array" check box.

The current Web Services pack is unable to support "array" output directly.

We can point you to the solution on how to do this, but it's also important to understand your goal...are you building ISD services to invoke from within DS, or from some other tool, and just using DS to test it?

Use your right mouse button on the Operation within the WSDL importer and make selections for the output within the xml importer. When you save, it should complete the dialog successfully.... then...inside the WSTransformer, put a single column on the output link (such as "myoutput" with a longvarchar and a long length) and choose that column in "User Defined Message" pull down on the output Message tab.

Send that column through a transformer and into to a sequentialStage with no formatting ("none" for quote character and delimeter).

Then work with xmlInput to learn how to read that array of xml. Once you have both working you can work on putting them together.
