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Running WISD jobs on demand

Posted: Fri Jul 09, 2010 8:37 am
by rahul8055
My job should run "on demand" As soon as the webservice is called the job should take the response and send a reply to the webservice.
can anyone help me what to do in this scenario..


Posted: Fri Jul 09, 2010 9:05 am
by rahul8055
Also what is the difference between "always ON" and run on demand....I mean how can we show the difference in the service to run a job.


Posted: Fri Jul 09, 2010 10:27 am
by eostic
You need to review and study the documentation. Pay particular attention to the sections on "Job Topology". Jobs with WISDInput will be "always on".....Jobs without WISDInput will be run only when invoked...there are pros and cons to both methods ---- you need to know about your services and their traffic to determine which is best.


Posted: Fri Jul 09, 2010 10:46 am
by rahul8055
Thanks ernie,

I checked the job topologies, as my job has both input and output WISD
so assuming it as always running job According to my scenario when whenever I get a request to the service the job should run and reply back to the call.
does this happen for always on jobs


Posted: Fri Jul 09, 2010 3:13 pm
by rahul8055
Thank you ernie,

It helped me a lot and I tested it with the SOAP UI....It working great.......


Posted: Fri Jul 09, 2010 5:06 pm
by eostic here are a few other interesting things for you to review....

a) check the DS should be able to "see" your instance there when it is running and "always on".... (you can't do much with it, and should never try to start/stop it there, but you can see that the instance is up and working).....

b) open the Monitor while in the Director.......then run your request thru SOAPui.........depending on the type of job, you can often "see" the results of your request as "rows" running thru your job.

c) learn how to "disable" (NOT un-deploy) your Service Operation.....when you disable, note how the instance in the DS Director shuts down.


Posted: Mon Jul 12, 2010 9:05 am
by rahul8055
thanks ernie,

Yes I can see the job shows always running,

1.How can I disable the job if I need to other than undeploy it.

2.where can I see the rows in the director job log.

3.I have a problem with soap UI ,can I test the service only once because it is not allowing me to test it more than twice or thrice.

what do you think the problem is?

If I need to test the service again I am deploying it again and testing it...
but that should not be the case right, so how can I test the webservice always with soap ui.

right now if I test it more than twice or if the change the input...the response I get is not the output but I could see only "true" in the XML.


Posted: Mon Jul 12, 2010 10:45 am
by eostic
I'd like to suggest that you start a new thread, or change the status of this....there is nothing to "work-around" here...just techniques and features that have to be learned.

Disable is at the deployment workspace of the Information Server Console. Use the Edit button on the lower right and you will then see a new button on the lower left that provides Disable/Enable functionality. Disable stops the job from running. Enable starts it up again.

Look in the DS Director to get an idea of what your service operation is doing when you are first learning how ISD works. this is not a monitoring tool and not for checking on the rate of requests to a production system. There are good SOA 3rd party tools for that and WAS itself has tools for doing such audits.

If your service only runs once or twice, what happens in the DS log? Does it abort? is it only for certain requests with certain kinds of searches here on the symptoms, and check my blog below for guidelines on using ds and qs in real time.


Posted: Mon Jul 12, 2010 11:02 am
by rahul8055
yes I can see the enable/disable options and in the director I can monitor the job and see the no of rows from request and to response.

Coming to the service, the job in the Director shows its running I do not see any abort over there.I tried to check with soap ui for the other service job I can see the request and response so many times.
But in this particular job I do not understand what the problem is I can only check the service once and for testing it again I had to deploy it again.

when I try to test the second time the request is good but I cannot find any response other then "true" in XML of soap ui.

I guess there is something in this service which is blocking me to test it more than once. How can I solve this issue?

Its not with particular request or particular data....


Posted: Mon Jul 12, 2010 1:42 pm
by rahul8055
I could explain you in a easier way...........

Created a webservice for which request is 1 input and the response is 6 outputs.
used a tool to test the service worked well i.e the request was one input and the response was 6 outputs.
the problem is I planned to test the service again but the response has no output and I can see only "true".

Again the service works after deploying it again. I guess we need not deploy all the time.

can anyone help me out...


Posted: Mon Jul 12, 2010 5:40 pm
by eostic
hmmm. Tell us more about the Job. If you choose to use them, you can have only ONE wisdInput or wisdOutput......please explain what you mean by "6 outputs"......

Make absolutely certain that your wisdOutput stage always receives a row of "something"...just for this reason -- so that your SOAP client is never left will always get "something". That is your responsibility as the developer of the Job.

You can branch to other things, write to tables and files, etc., but be sure that the link path to your wisdOutput ALWAYS carries at least one row......


Posted: Mon Jul 12, 2010 5:50 pm
by rahul8055
thanks for the reply,

Yes my job has 1 wisd input and 1 wisd output.

1 column is the request and that joins with the ODBC table and gives 6 columns as the response to wisd output.

The job runs great .....but when using soap ui Once I deploy the service in the information server then gave the input and I got the response. Till this step its doing great.

but the problem is if i try to give an input again the service runs well and I could see in the director also the job is "running". but I cant get response in the tool. The response I need is 6 rows right but I dont get any response only thing I could see is "true" in XML.

please let me know if you need any other information.


Posted: Mon Jul 12, 2010 7:07 pm
by eostic
I can't be sure, but if it's an EE Job it might be because you aren't using a sparse lookup.....check out this entry... ... litystage/ must make sure that your WISDinput link is the driving link for your entire job.


Posted: Mon Jul 12, 2010 7:21 pm
by rahul8055
thanks ernie,

Right now in the job I have no look-up stage.....I used join stage do you suggest me to use sparse look-up instead of join?


Posted: Mon Jul 12, 2010 9:31 pm
by chulett

Rahul, please stop endlessly quoting entire posts just to reply. There's a perfectly good Reply to topic button at the bottom of every page that you should learn to use rather than the dang Reply with quote one you've been pushing. Save it for when you need it, when it's not obvious to whom or to what you are replying. Saves me having to clean things up. :?