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Problem with Webservice transformer

Posted: Tue Apr 06, 2010 6:38 pm
by dganeshm

The output from the first Webservice transformer is a complex xml.


but what I am getting in the output of the webservice transformer is

<element3>value of element31 value of element32 value of element33<element3/>

Everything is concatenate , there are multiple child tags which have their own tags but all the values of the child are combined together as value for the parent tag.

Any help is appreciated..

Posted: Sun Apr 11, 2010 12:33 pm
by eostic
Not sure I understand the problem (you mention two WStransformers), but one suggestion I have is to create a test version of you job that captures only the soap body at the output side of your WSTransformer.

Edit the job and delete the immediate downstream stage from the Transformer....keep the link.

Put on a sequential Stage. If this is a server job, put '000' in the delimiter and the quote character....if EE, use none for both properties.

In the link, delete whatever columns are there and just have one large column (such as "mySOAPoutput" with datatype of longvarchar and length of say, 9999). Put a single slash in its Description property. In the WSTransformer, at the "message" tab for the output link, find the pull down for user-defined message. Choose this single column.

In there you should get your whole soap body as presented in the soap envelope that was sent to DataStage. It should help you in your debugging.
