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Can we use Datastage Enterprise Edition jobs in DS SOA Edn

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2007 9:02 am
by Amit Jaiswal

I am new to Datastage SOA Edn. I have few doubts in my mind :
1. Can we use DS EE jobs in DS SOA Edn.?
2. If yes, is it that the entire setup/architecture will be as it is which we are using for DS EE and we are simply invoking these jobs as web services?
3. What are the other benifits we can have using SOA Edn?
4. Is it supporting Weblogic server? Is there any performance bottle neck if we use Weblogic?
5. Can we invoke DS jobs from Java?
6. Can I get use manual pdf on this?

Thanks in advance

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2007 1:15 pm
by eostic
Hi Amit... welcome to the DataStage SOA space! Thoughts below...

1. Can we use DS EE jobs in DS SOA Edn.?

Absolutely. RTI/WISD stages are also part of those jobs. Whether you need the same level of partitioning for such jobs as you would in batch is another discussion, but indeed you can use them.

2. If yes, is it that the entire setup/architecture will be as it is which we are using for DS EE and we are simply invoking these jobs as web services?


3. What are the other benifits we can have using SOA Edn?

Depends on what you are trying to do...being able to share "data integration and transformation services" designed in DS, among all application groups in the enterprise is a huge benefit. I've seen DS jobs originally written for friday night name/address cleansing to a data warehouse be turned into services that are called hundreds of times a day to support point-of-sale applications at the store front to help with customer loyalty programs. Same jobs/shared containers.

4. Is it supporting Weblogic server? Is there any performance bottle neck if we use Weblogic?

Release 7.5.x supports BEA... Weblogic works great. Comparing the J2EE implementations is not as interesting as comparing bindings. SOAP is typically slower than the EJB binding.... choice of J2EE server usually has more to do with site standards than anything else.

5. Can we invoke DS jobs from Java?

If the jobs are deployed as services via RTI, then you can invoke them using a Java SOAP client, JMS client, or EJB client. That's the most elegant way.

6. Can I get use manual pdf on this?

It comes with the product. I'm assuming you have SOA edition already. Look on the media that came with it.


Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2007 8:46 am
by Amit Jaiswal
Thanks Ernie for valueable information!!!
