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How to invoke RTI service thru Java/.net

Posted: Wed Nov 22, 2006 9:40 pm
by chaks
Recently we have installed RTI in our company and I got RTi admin & user guides ,if any body needs those I can email them . coming to point I have developed a service and published as web service and using another job I was able to call that service, my question is , can we call the same service thru java/.net and how


Re: How to invoke RTI service thru Java/.net

Posted: Wed Nov 22, 2006 10:25 pm
by chulett
chaks wrote:Recently we have installed RTI in our company and I got RTi admin & user guides ,if any body needs those I can email them.
That's really nice... you plan on emailing the software out as well? Both are equally as ethical. Anyone that 'needs' them will already have them.
chaks also wrote:coming to point I have developed a service and published as web service and using another job I was able to call that service, my question is , can we call the same service thru java/.net and how
Probably better off asking on a Java/.NET forum or usenet group.

Posted: Thu Nov 23, 2006 12:56 am
by chaks
Thanks ! Craig,

on some other post some body was asking for the docs ,that is the only reason ,I told that I will e-mail them .

I have seen you activly responding for most of the topics, I appreciate it and thanks for the quick (sarcastic) response.

Posted: Fri Dec 01, 2006 7:35 pm
by eostic
Just about any tool on the market that can handle WSDL 1.1 documents will be able to handle an RTI based Service. A really good one for test purposes is SOAPscope from a company called Mindreef ( In .NET, the tooling is pretty much ready out-of-the-box for importing WSDL, while in Java it can be a bit more difficult. The brute force method is to download and use a variety of WSDL2Java utilities...can probably find them at the apache web site..... more recently people use built in tools that generate Java Client code for Web Services, such as is found in IBM's Rational Data Architect. I'll bet there are a ton of tools out there for doing this in Java, although the .NET ones tend to be more mature.


Posted: Fri Dec 01, 2006 9:32 pm
by chulett
chaks wrote:I have seen you activly responding for most of the topics, I appreciate it and thanks for the quick (sarcastic) response.
Didn't realize this ever got replied to until I saw Ernie make his grand entrance and lay some much needed RTI wisdom on us. :wink:

Sorry, it was one of those long days with no end in site and when I get cranky I tend to get... sarcastic... is as good a word as any. You'd be amazed at what people have asked for over the years and just think someone should send them, which sets me off sometimes. I realize you were just trying to be helpful.

FWIW I've used SOAPscope back when we were first deploying our RTI apps, it seemed like a good tool but I don't have anything to compare that experience with - either before or since. Moved on to our GEAX or 'Generate Enormous Amounts Of XML' project. :lol:

Posted: Sat Dec 02, 2006 6:35 am
by eostic
Now that's a new acronym that I like :) ...thanks for the warm welcome, Craig..... which level of the forum should we talk about XML?

Also...there are some other good tools out that act as dynamic SOAP clients, or help generate code, and I've heard that even a lot of the BI tools are (finally) supporting SOAP clients and can read WSDL. I've seen webFOCUS do it, but haven't actually seen any of the others...anyone else?


Posted: Sat Dec 02, 2006 8:45 am
by chulett
XML can be discussed off in any of the 'normal' DataStage forums, I would think. Or even here if it's RTI specific.

We're just about to 'Go Live' with GEAX and it actually seems to be well in hand. Even had Micheal Hester out for a stint and he checked things out and agreed that we're doing pretty darn good for the volumes we're talking about in the Server product: we need to generate XML for about 7M and 13M unique keys - the former weekly and the latter monthly. The timings are within livable ranges. And the daily version that does 200K to 400K works just fine... so we good. :wink:

And I *am* very glad to see you here. I do what I can to help with RTI stuff but am hardly the expert that you are. [bows in Ernie's general direction] :oops:

Posted: Mon Dec 04, 2006 7:09 am
by eostic
Thx. Flattery will get you everywhere. :) Trust me I'll be coming your way for deep "down and dirty" pure DataStage things...

On your xml application, congrats that it's going to production. Sounds like a cool solution. How complex was the hierarchy? Did you resort to multiple XMLOutput Stages and storing snippets in hash tables or other places for lookup and later attachment? Or do you have a fairly straight path in your target XML, which is more amenable to DataStage's design? What are the sources?


Posted: Mon Mar 30, 2009 6:04 am
by jose.arunbabu
I am also looking for the possiblity of directly calling a datastage function dirctly from a java or .net program.

One of Informatica guy in my company was saying that the informatica functions can be make as a proxy class in java or .net so that they can be called directly from java/.net just like calling some other inbuilt fucntions in that environment.

So my question is this " is thier anything like this in datastage where we can make our funtions to be called directly from other programming languages some how."?

Posted: Mon Mar 30, 2009 6:20 am
by dr.murthy
we can call the datastage jobs through java/.net.
once you deploy the code into web services through information server,then you need to create a java/.net screen by using that WSDL link/WEB SERVICE and then converted it into JSP.
what ever the parameters you have used in your datastage job,you can pass these parameters through java/.ner screen.