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RTI console (Register an RTI server)

Posted: Tue Nov 07, 2006 6:51 pm
by ganges99
i have installed RTI console in the client end and i need to register the RTI server
can any one please tell me how to register an RTI server in the console
if any one please let me

it would be of gr8 help and any suggestion will be highly appreciated


Posted: Tue Nov 07, 2006 7:36 pm
by chulett
First suggestion would be to read as much of the supplied documentation as you can stand - there is both an Administration Guide and a Users Guide. This isn't something you can just pick up and start whipping stuff out with, you need to read.

Before you can register anything, the RTI Server must be installed - I'm assuming you've already done that. The process is simple, the only task that comes up in the console at first is Register an RTI Server. Click on it and answer the questions that pop up. You be done.

Once you have an RTI Server registered, you can double-click on it to work through assigning a DataStage Server to it and then deploying services. And you'll need the RTI Agent installed and running on your DataStage server before you can do that!

Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2006 9:48 am
by ganges99
HI Craig,

Thanks for the suggestion.
I have already installed the RTI server in the Unix box and i have installed the RTI console in the client.
while registering the server its asking for ''server name '' what is the server name that i should give and also how will i come to know that the server is running or not?

Ur immediate suggestion would help a lot


registering the console

Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2006 10:11 am
by ganges99
HI Craig,

Thanks for the suggestion.
I have already installed the RTI server in the Unix box and i have installed the RTI console in the client.
while registering the server its asking for ''server name '' what is the server name that i should give and also how will i come to know that the server is running or not?

Ur immediate suggestion would help a lot


Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2006 12:00 am
by chulett
:!: This is a volunteer site so there's nothing 'immediate' about what we do. People answer when they can... anything other than that needs to be redirected to your Support provider who are paid to provide that service and perhaps even supply immediate answers.

That being said, I'm not sure what's so confusing about the questions the Register an RTI Server wizard asks. The first prompt is for the RTI Server Name... and that would be the name of the box where you installed the RTI Server. Pretty straight forward. Only thing you might need to do is tweak the 'end point' in the next prompt if you sett it up with a non-default port - i.e. something other than 9080.

You'll come to know if the RTI Server is running or not by your ability (or inability) to register it. More details on how to check would come from the Administration Guide for the product. Typically you would also need to involve whomever controls the product you are leveraging for this - in our case it is WebLogic, so my WebLogic boys are the 'go to' guys when there are issues or questions related to that environment. Otherwise, for anything 'ETL related' - like the RTI Agent or the RTI Enabled jobs themselves - they come to me. :wink: