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Metadata tightening for the Globals project and for projects

Posted: Sun Jun 20, 2010 3:45 pm
by Ultramundane
Should the centrally managed Globals metadata capabilities be introduced...

I would like capability of specifying that no project can define metadata except for within the Globals project and this can only be done by a user designated with the Metadata management role from within the registry.

Thus, should this option be turned on (should be allowed to off or on for the local projects) that the end user cannot define any metadata in any stage. They must only choose from previously defined metadata from within the Globals projects. Should what they need not exist, the end user must make a request to the metadata manager to add the metadata to the Globals project for which they will need to build their jobs.

This is to help tighten the control on who can define Metadata and to also help facilitate proper defining of Metadata so that it doesn't become a mess.
