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New source stage for running many SQL stmnts.

Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2010 8:56 pm
by Ultramundane
Please a new source SQL statement stage which can be used to run many SQL statements on a selected platform. For example, DB2, Oracle, Sybase, MSSQL, and Teradata.

This source SQL stage should allow for many SQL statements to be run as their own batch by allowing statements to be added sequentially through the stage properties.

For example:
Statement 1
Statement 2
Statement 3
Statement 4
Statement N

After adding a statement, double clicking the statement should take you into the SQL statement editor which will allow you put in a SQL statement which be run in the order of S1,S2,S3,...,SN

In addition, any output by default will be automatically funneled down to one output link which can be stored in a sequential file. Each statement should be able to have message handlers defined for it in the editor. So, M1, M2, M3,...,MN where MN corresponds to SN. Also, any unhandled output which is in error should cause the stage to abort. Should the stage abort, the stage be able to output to the log where it aborted. Plus, the stage should be able to output to a specified file the statement which it aborted on. The stage should also be able to read in from a file a statement to start from (whether or not this is possible depends on the nature of what you are doing).

The stage should also allow for multiple output links. Wherein, S1->O1, S2->O2, ..., SN->ON.

Thus, the stage should also allow for output links for each SQL Statement specified and these can be sent down their own output link.

Again, each sequential statement should be executed TOP-Down. Not in parallel.
