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How about a FAQ?

Posted: Wed Jun 16, 2004 7:08 pm
by vmcburney
Any ideas on implementing a FAQ, especially a DataStage FAQ which has the highest volume of questions. Recently I went looking for answers to a couple FAQs, one was the timeout waiting for Mutex and another was reading MS Access databases from Unix. A search revealed a large number of threads that did not answer the question, several threads that conflicted and different answers that were valid but appeared in different threads.

The standard answer of "do an archive search" is becoming a less valid as more and more red herring threads appear.

How about a seperate newsgroup for DataStage FAQs where each FAQ is a seperate topic, the first message is the definitive answer to the question and forum members add comments and feedback as responses.

Alternatively let people "recommend" threads and sort archive searches by recommendations. Or display a field on search results showing the number of times a thread has been added to a favourites folder.