Search found 15 matches

by kunj201
Wed Sep 20, 2006 9:47 am
Forum: IBM<sup>®</sup> DataStage Enterprise Edition (Formerly Parallel Extender/PX)
Topic: Sybase error
Replies: 7
Views: 5674

I was able to resolve the issue in a couple of jobs. I was using the SybaseOCPX stage with "Generated SQL query". However, I didn't have the "database owner" with the table name. Thus instead of using "Owner.dbo.TableName" in the "Table Names", I was using &q...
by kunj201
Thu Sep 07, 2006 3:34 pm
Forum: IBM<sup>®</sup> Infosphere DataStage Server Edition
Topic: ABAP extract stage with Parameter don't work
Replies: 2
Views: 3414

ABAP extract stage with Parameter don't work

In a server job, I want to extract data from a SAP table using ABAP Extract stage. It works fine if I want to extract entire table. Or With the where clause with hard coded value to query. where col1= '2006' works fine. Problem is we need to limit this extract with parameter value. ie where col1 = '...
by kunj201
Tue Aug 01, 2006 9:46 am
Forum: IBM<sup>®</sup> Infosphere DataStage Server Edition
Topic: can you explain with this ArchiveFiles routine
Replies: 5
Views: 2451

ArndW wrote:kunj201, are you asking what this program does? ...
well...yes. Also, the major concern is over the 1at arg of pParameterList...what is the format of it, what info it should be included, where to store and what it does

by kunj201
Tue Aug 01, 2006 8:55 am
Forum: IBM<sup>®</sup> Infosphere DataStage Server Edition
Topic: can you explain with this ArchiveFiles routine
Replies: 5
Views: 2451

kcbland wrote:Could you please edit your post and put code tags around the logic so I can read it? :cry: ...
Sorry about that...I edited it..pls reply. thanks again :)
by kunj201
Mon Jul 31, 2006 5:14 pm
Forum: IBM<sup>®</sup> Infosphere DataStage Server Edition
Topic: can you explain with this ArchiveFiles routine
Replies: 5
Views: 2451

can you explain with this ArchiveFiles routine

Can you explain what formate is the aParameterList and what is does? * Call Archive routine to move files from working directories to ThisBatchArchive_dir and compress. * ArchiveFiles(pParameterList,JobName,Output_file,pThisBatchArchive_dir) * The ArchiveFiles routine will figure out which files in...
by kunj201
Mon Jul 31, 2006 3:51 pm
Forum: IBM<sup>®</sup> Infosphere DataStage Server Edition
Topic: Move files from working to shared directory
Replies: 7
Views: 5176

A Sequence with Command stages, a Batch job with DSExecute API calls, make your choice. ... A batch job. Again, the file generation will be dynamic. ie.. For jan run, it will have one Ins_XYZ_1.xml... but for march run, it will have Ins_XYZ_1.xml,Ins_XYZ_2.xml, Ins_XYZ_3.xml... Also might have Del_...
by kunj201
Mon Jul 31, 2006 2:37 pm
Forum: IBM<sup>®</sup> Infosphere DataStage Server Edition
Topic: Move files from working to shared directory
Replies: 7
Views: 5176

Move files from working to shared directory

Hi there, I need to move file from working folders to a shared drive. I need to look for all .xml files in 3 directories from data stage file e:\data\dev\folder1, e:\data\dev\folder2...folder3 and move them to a shared directory outside datastage server. I have a network shared loc...
by kunj201
Fri Jul 14, 2006 5:27 pm
Forum: IBM<sup>®</sup> Infosphere DataStage Server Edition
Topic: use the new value as job parameter for a loop
Replies: 15
Views: 7218

Got the solution... :lol: a BIG thanks to all for your time and efforts.. Here is the ultimate solution.... The error above was eliminated by use of new function with the code: $INCLUDE DSINCLUDE JOBCONTROL.H DEFFUN UtilityHashLookup(Arg1, Arg2, Arg3) CALLING "DSX.UTILITYHASHLOOKUP" * NOTE...
by kunj201
Fri Jul 14, 2006 12:50 pm
Forum: IBM<sup>®</sup> Infosphere DataStage Server Edition
Topic: use the new value as job parameter for a loop
Replies: 15
Views: 7218

Ok. Lets devise an easier solution to get the month. Is your cycle going to run after the first day or on the first day of every month. IF yes then instead of using $counter, you can just do, UtilityHashLookup('Fully qualified path of hashed file",Oconv(Date(),"DM"),1) I have tried t...
by kunj201
Fri Jul 14, 2006 11:44 am
Forum: IBM<sup>®</sup> Infosphere DataStage Server Edition
Topic: use the new value as job parameter for a loop
Replies: 15
Views: 7218

No pound/hash signs... and you need to qualify the counter with the name of the stage it comes from: Start_Loop_Stage_Name.$Counter When I use in Manager to test the routine says table not found... Is it really a table or file?? Do I need to specity option while creating thi...
by kunj201
Fri Jul 14, 2006 10:56 am
Forum: IBM<sup>®</sup> Infosphere DataStage Server Edition
Topic: use the new value as job parameter for a loop
Replies: 15
Views: 7218

How to ...

DSguru2B wrote:You dont need to pass $USERSTATUS. just the hashed file name. And yes pass the $counter as the key to the utility.
Do this

Code: Select all

UtilityHashLookup(HashedFileName, #$counter#,1)
UtilityHashLookup('H_Area_ICM_Period', #$counter#, 1)

Same error...
by kunj201
Fri Jul 14, 2006 10:51 am
Forum: IBM<sup>®</sup> Infosphere DataStage Server Edition
Topic: use the new value as job parameter for a loop
Replies: 15
Views: 7218

Routine: ReadHashFile(HashedFileName, HashedFileKey, FieldToReturn, ValueReturned)..... ...Then use a stage variable to set to ValueReturned..... K i have loop will run from 1 to N period... I can have $counter as parameter that I can use for lookup against Hash file.. hash file: 1 2006-01...
by kunj201
Fri Jul 14, 2006 10:44 am
Forum: IBM<sup>®</sup> Infosphere DataStage Server Edition
Topic: use the new value as job parameter for a loop
Replies: 15
Views: 7218

How to ...

...stashes that value in the job's USERSTATUS area. Any job downstream from that job in the Sequence can use the $UserStatus value to feed a job parameter rather easily. Seems very fesible option to follow... Please let me know how exectly I attach that value in job's userStaus area ? Option 2: ......
by kunj201
Thu Jul 13, 2006 11:17 pm
Forum: IBM<sup>®</sup> Infosphere DataStage Server Edition
Topic: use the new value as job parameter for a loop
Replies: 15
Views: 7218

How exactly have you done .... Thanks for a quick reply..damn good... yes I am using the start loop/end loop act in seq. I can take $counter and go against hash to get begin date for that period...but how do I get that begin date to be a Job parameter? Hope you get it..and its fairly easy :) actull...
by kunj201
Thu Jul 13, 2006 10:22 pm
Forum: IBM<sup>®</sup> Infosphere DataStage Server Edition
Topic: use the new value as job parameter for a loop
Replies: 15
Views: 7218

use the new value as job parameter for a loop

After several hours of search, i found a very close help.. Please Let me know if that is applicable in my scene... I need your help here! What I have done: I have a loop where I will process each month per run. So when u...