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Mon Dec 27, 2010 4:57 am
Forum: IBM<sup>®</sup> DataStage Enterprise Edition (Formerly Parallel Extender/PX)
Topic: Inserts get rejected using Oracle Connector
Replies: 2
Views: 2445

Re: Inserts get rejected using Oracle Connector

If I use InsertThenUpdate the job fails with oc_CE_NULL_REASON_CODE_load,1: [IIS-CONN-ORA-001002] The OCI function OCIDateTimeConstruct returned status -2: OCI_INVALID_HANDLE. (CC_OraRecordDataSetConsumer::writeBindBuffers, file CC_OraRecordDataSetConsumer.cpp, line 1,251)

Mon Dec 27, 2010 4:50 am
Forum: IBM<sup>®</sup> DataStage Enterprise Edition (Formerly Parallel Extender/PX)
Topic: Inserts get rejected using Oracle Connector
Replies: 2
Views: 2445

Inserts get rejected using Oracle Connector

Hi- I have a couple of insert records ( along with some update records too in a dataset) which make through to the table using Oracle enterprize stage. They also get inserted via the sql in toad. But when using oracle connector stage these records get rejected with ErrorCode=0 and ErrorDescription=c...
Thu Sep 16, 2010 12:21 am
Forum: IBM<sup>®</sup> DataStage Enterprise Edition (Formerly Parallel Extender/PX)
Topic: job finishes with status =99
Replies: 3
Views: 1785

job finishes with status =99

Hi Gurus- One of my Job is a multi instance job which runs fine most of the time.Some times in any one of the instance the job finishes with status=99. What are the other possible reasons for 99 status.I know one of them is compiled. if 99 is NOT RUNNABLE state ,then why the datastage log shows as f...
Fri Aug 27, 2010 3:26 am
Forum: General
Topic: Training Material on DSX Tutorial
Replies: 3
Views: 2229

Thanks for your inputs Vivek
Thu Aug 26, 2010 3:31 am
Forum: General
Topic: Training Material on DSX Tutorial
Replies: 3
Views: 2229

Training Material on DSX Tutorial

Hi - HI- I am willing to learn datastage adminstration and need a suggestion from you DSX gurus. Can I get enough material on DSX tutorial ( If I become a premium user ) to enable me to learn datastage adminstration. Just FYI- I have nearly 4.5 years of Development experience and also know UNIX to a...
Mon Aug 23, 2010 2:59 am
Forum: IBM<sup>®</sup> DataStage Enterprise Edition (Formerly Parallel Extender/PX)
Topic: Identifying processes for node servers
Replies: 1
Views: 1064

Identifying processes for node servers

I am using a 8 node configuration file which are spread across 2 servers.
How to identify the processes that are running on both the servers for my job.

Mon Jun 07, 2010 5:35 am
Forum: IBM<sup>®</sup> DataStage Enterprise Edition (Formerly Parallel Extender/PX)
Topic: Basic Routine- Help needed
Replies: 9
Views: 4819

I am unable to see your full reply as it is a premium content. :cry:
Mon Jun 07, 2010 4:12 am
Forum: IBM<sup>®</sup> DataStage Enterprise Edition (Formerly Parallel Extender/PX)
Topic: Basic Routine- Help needed
Replies: 9
Views: 4819

Hi Ray- I missed the point the the Job was in the compiled status.It was not yet run.After running the job, I am getting the required output from the routine. But I am also getting the following error message "> Job control error (-16) > (DSGetParamInfo) Cannot get the value of an encrypted par...
Mon Jun 07, 2010 3:22 am
Forum: IBM<sup>®</sup> DataStage Enterprise Edition (Formerly Parallel Extender/PX)
Topic: Basic Routine- Help needed
Replies: 9
Views: 4819

Thanks for the responce. Yes by replacing DSJ.PARAMVALUE with DSJ.PARAMTYPE I am gettiing the output as below Result = $APT_CONFIG_FILE=4 pSource_System_EDW=2 pTargetTable=0 pErrorsDir=4 pRefDataDir=4 pPROC_DT=0 pPROC_DT_MINUS1=0 pHighTimestamp=0 pUseExternalParameters=5 pErrorData=5 pSchema_EDW_SOR...
Mon Jun 07, 2010 3:20 am
Forum: IBM<sup>®</sup> DataStage Enterprise Edition (Formerly Parallel Extender/PX)
Topic: Basic Routine- Help needed
Replies: 9
Views: 4819

Thanks for the responce. Yes by replacing DSJ.PARAMVALUE with DSJ.PARAMTYPE I am gettiing the output as below Result = $APT_CONFIG_FILE=4 pSource_System_EDW=2 pTargetTable=0 pErrorsDir=4 pRefDataDir=4 pPROC_DT=0 pPROC_DT_MINUS1=0 pHighTimestamp=0 pUseExternalParameters=5 pErrorData=5 pSchema_EDW_SOR...
Mon Jun 07, 2010 2:16 am
Forum: IBM<sup>®</sup> DataStage Enterprise Edition (Formerly Parallel Extender/PX)
Topic: Basic Routine- Help needed
Replies: 9
Views: 4819

Basic Routine- Help needed

Hi My requirement is to get a list of parameters used by a job as below Parm1=Val1 Parm2=Val2 . . ..... The code I am using is as below #include DSINCLUDE JOBCONTROL.H equate me to TestRaghu ! Assign Ans='' ParmList='' JOB=Trim(JobName) !JobHandling JobHandle=DSAttachJob(JOB,DSJ.ERRWARN) !Get Parame...
Tue May 18, 2010 2:56 am
Forum: IBM<sup>®</sup> Infosphere DataStage Server Edition
Topic: use dsjob to export all the job logs, not only the last time
Replies: 5
Views: 4557

By default dsjob -loginfo gets you the complete log of the job, not just the current run log. In your case if you are getting only the current run log, then you might have ristricted the number of log entries in the adminstrator.Check if it is set to 1 which might be the case for the dsjob command r...
Tue May 18, 2010 1:50 am
Forum: IBM<sup>®</sup> DataStage Enterprise Edition (Formerly Parallel Extender/PX)
Topic: Configration files -Help required
Replies: 1
Views: 1571

Configration files -Help required


Can any one suggest me a document which can give me indeapth understanding of config files,How to create them ,What are section leaders,What are players,How they are associated with each other and so on.

Your Inputs are appreciated.

Thu May 13, 2010 1:25 am
Forum: IBM<sup>®</sup> DataStage Enterprise Edition (Formerly Parallel Extender/PX)
Topic: Significance of DSAttachJob and DSDetachJob
Replies: 8
Views: 4474

JobHandle Query

Thanks for the responce. I just have one more question for you Gurus. I have a routine where the part of the code is as below JobHandle = DSAttachJob(JobId,DSJ.ERRWARN) ; If JobHandle < DSJ.ME Then Call DSLogWarn('Unable to attach the Job ':JobId:'. Job reconciliation will NOT occur',Me) What is the...