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Thu Mar 11, 2010 10:33 am
Forum: IBM<sup>®</sup> DataStage Enterprise Edition (Formerly Parallel Extender/PX)
Topic: read all files from load directory
Replies: 11
Views: 3199

chulett wrote:'Read' in what sense? If you are required to process them one by one, build a looping Sequence job. Otherwise, cat them all together (before job or in the Filter option) and 'read' them ...
i have to process them one by one and i need to know file name as well.
please advice
Thu Mar 11, 2010 10:17 am
Forum: IBM<sup>®</sup> DataStage Enterprise Edition (Formerly Parallel Extender/PX)
Topic: read all files from load directory
Replies: 11
Views: 3199

read all files from load directory

i have to read all file with file name from load directory.In each run number of file may vary.all files are fixed width length file. say for example below are my files in load directory( may be in next run i will have more files) 1_20100311_171556.txt 2_20100311_171556.txt 3_20100311-171556.txt 4_2...
Thu Mar 11, 2010 10:11 am
Forum: IBM<sup>®</sup> DataStage Enterprise Edition (Formerly Parallel Extender/PX)
Topic: how to remove header and trailer from records.
Replies: 27
Views: 14886

chulett wrote:
asorrell wrote:Craig? Are you getting too old to chase tail?
My own tail, yes. :lol:
i need all this 9 DTL records in single column :(
Wed Mar 10, 2010 11:00 pm
Forum: IBM<sup>®</sup> DataStage Enterprise Edition (Formerly Parallel Extender/PX)
Topic: how to remove header and trailer from records.
Replies: 27
Views: 14886

<bzzzztttt> Sorry Andy, thanks for playing. :P D'oh... where the heck did Andy go? Silly Wabbit. Define 'not working', that looks perfectly fine to me. Are you sure you are checking the right 'column name'? Hi Chulett, its fixed length file ,and header ,details and trailer is there in one column on...
Wed Mar 10, 2010 11:14 am
Forum: IBM<sup>®</sup> DataStage Enterprise Edition (Formerly Parallel Extender/PX)
Topic: how to remove header and trailer from records.
Replies: 27
Views: 14886

<bzzzztttt> Sorry Andy, thanks for playing. :P D'oh... where the heck did Andy go? Silly Wabbit. Define 'not working', that looks perfectly fine to me. Are you sure you are checking the right 'column name'? yah,problem is i have records in single column. which contain header ,details and trailer.
Wed Mar 10, 2010 11:01 am
Forum: IBM<sup>®</sup> DataStage Enterprise Edition (Formerly Parallel Extender/PX)
Topic: how to remove header and trailer from records.
Replies: 27
Views: 14886

OK, simple enough, then just use a contraint to filter out any records where the first three characters in your big field are "HDR" or "TRL". ... Hi chulett, please advice me . i tried with dslink.column_name[1,3] <>'HDR' AND dslink.column_name[1,3] <>'TRL'. as constraint.but it...
Wed Mar 10, 2010 10:50 am
Forum: IBM<sup>®</sup> DataStage Enterprise Edition (Formerly Parallel Extender/PX)
Topic: how to remove header and trailer from records.
Replies: 27
Views: 14886

Define your file metadata to match your "detail" records and the others will be filtered automagically, assuming their record layout is different enough to be rejected by the stage. ... Hi chulett, i dont have any metadata.i have records in single column. i am using sequential file as inp...
Wed Mar 10, 2010 10:16 am
Forum: IBM<sup>®</sup> DataStage Enterprise Edition (Formerly Parallel Extender/PX)
Topic: how to remove header and trailer from records.
Replies: 27
Views: 14886

ArndW wrote:If you google the UNIX "sed" command, you'll see that changing the suggest command to

Code: Select all

sed '1,2d;$d' 
should do the trick. ...
my datastage server is in window..can i use unix command in this ?
Wed Mar 10, 2010 9:37 am
Forum: IBM<sup>®</sup> DataStage Enterprise Edition (Formerly Parallel Extender/PX)
Topic: how to remove header and trailer from records.
Replies: 27
Views: 14886

you have to define that in the filter option of the sequential file stage. Hi HITMAN, actually i will have two columns first column= filen name,second column=records detail. i have to filter header and trailer from records column. in my records column sample data will look like given above. please ...
Wed Mar 10, 2010 9:23 am
Forum: IBM<sup>®</sup> DataStage Enterprise Edition (Formerly Parallel Extender/PX)
Topic: how to remove header and trailer from records.
Replies: 27
Views: 14886

hitmanthesilentassasin wrote:try this in your filter option of either sequential file or cff.

Code: Select all

 sed '1d;$d' 

Code: Select all

 sed '/HDR/d; /TRL/d'
Hi Hitman,

Can you please help me out ,in sequential file where i can define sed '/HDR/d; /TRL/d' to remove header and trailer .Please advice :(
Tue Mar 09, 2010 3:42 am
Forum: IBM<sup>®</sup> DataStage Enterprise Edition (Formerly Parallel Extender/PX)
Topic: Substring function problem
Replies: 8
Views: 35534

Substring function problem


I am not able to use SUBSTR(DSLink149.INTFC_FILE_CATG,1,4).it seems we don't have substring function in 8.1.
I have to take first 4 char of INTFC_FILE_CATG field in my transformer stage.
Please advice which function i can use to get first 4 char from a field .

Mon Mar 08, 2010 9:02 am
Forum: IBM<sup>®</sup> DataStage Enterprise Edition (Formerly Parallel Extender/PX)
Topic: Not able to trim spaces during insert for CHAR data type
Replies: 5
Views: 3014

Not able to trim spaces during insert for CHAR data type


While inserting data for CHAR data type field ,i am not able to trim the spaces .In Database i could able to see spaces.I tried with both TRIM and TrimLeadingTrailing functions. I am using SQL Server 2005 database as target. Please let me know how to resolve the issue.

Wed Mar 03, 2010 12:54 am
Forum: IBM<sup>®</sup> Infosphere DataStage Server Edition
Topic: problem with folder stage
Replies: 8
Views: 3673

Re: problem with folder stage

i am using folder stage to read files from load directory . My files are fixed width length file .I am dfining column1 as file name and column 2nd as record( which suppose to contain records of file) . but in my job its taking only first rows of file.Please help me what i need to define so that it ...